Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

OK!! This is just so WRONG!!

WTH!! I just got news from my friend and confirmed on the internet that NO MORE HOLLYWOOD MOVIES on XXI

Here's the news:
Noorca Massardi menjelaskan bahwa mulai Januari 2011, Direktorat Bea Cukai memberlakukan aturan baru mengenai bea masuk atas hak distribusi. Itu berarti, setiap film impor yang masuk ke Indonesia akan dikenakan bea masuk.

Padahal, selama ini, setiap kopi film yang masuk ke Indonesia telah dikenakan bea masuk+pph+ppn yang jumlahnya mencapai 23,75% dari nilai barang. Ditjen Pajak juga selalu mendapatkan pajak penghasilan sebesar 15 persen dari hasil pemutaran setiap film. Penonton yang menyaksikan film tersebut pun tak terhindarkan dari pajak tontonan yang besarnya berkisar 10—15 persen dan dana tersebut masuk ke kas Pemda wilayah yang bersangkutan.

MPA sebagai Asosiasi Produsen Film Amerika memutuskan untuk tidak mendistribusikan seluruh film amerika di Indonesia mulai Kamis, 17 Februari 2011. Semua film yang sedang tayang di Indonesia pun bisa sewaktu-waktu dicabut hak edarnya jika pihak pemilik film impor menginginkannya.

To be honest... i dunno what to say... mau dikenain pajak lagi? emank pajaknya kurang??
Is this HOAX? i dunno, just check 21's web guys... click the COMING SOON's tab and u wont see any hollywood movies anymore... my friend got tweet from 21 says that 127 hours will be suspended 'til further announcement...
What does the government expect? Do They expect us to watch some craps in cinemas?
Mau ntn apa kalo smua pelm hollywood diblokir? kita disuruh ntn pelm2 horror indo..?

Kita tunggu kabar selanjutnya aj...hopefully this wont happen..*praying*

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Traffic and Angkot!!

Well.. most of us yg tinggal di jkt pasti tau lah seberapa semrawut nya traffic di jkt.. dr pagi brkt kerja, sampe malem pulang kerja tetep aj macet... ((g brkt kerja stgh 8 pagi, nyampe rmh lagi jm sekitar stgh 9 mlm))
Penyebabnya? yah macem2, mulai dr mobil pribadi yg kebanyakan, angkot yg ngetem sembarangan, motor yg suka nyelap nyelip, sampe truk2 segede gaban yang ga mau ngalah sm yg kecilan... Not just the vehicles, org yg lalu lalang di jalan pun kadang jg jd penyebab trafiic jam... Honestly kadang g suka gregetan kalo liat ibu2 or mba2 yg kl nyebrang jalan stgh2 takut.. (i'm not trying to be mean here) tp yaah emank bgitu. kalo emank takut jgn nyebrang di jalan gede lhoo, using the facilities, ada zebra cross, ada jbtn.. jgn udah di tgh2 jalan trus ragu2 mo maju...

 <<See.. Semrawut kan? aplg kalo ujan.. komplit deh>>

Personally, i'm "a bit" trauma about motorcycle...i've been hit once and severed major damage from it.. mulai dr babak belur, kulit sobek, sampe gegar otak ringan (g sempet muntah2 wkt itu).. sometimes i wonder, emank penting yaah ngebut2 di jalanan cm buat gaya trus sampe makan korban..blom lagi suara knalpot yg kyk bajaj plus asep2nya... jd kalo pas nyebrang byk motor, g lbh prefer nunggu smua motor lwt dl br g nyebrang.. weird, but i'm not affraid of car...-__-"

G sndiri kalo brkt kerja naek angkot..coz my work place is damn far from home..hahhahaah alesannya? yaah ngirit ongkos.. sbnrnya naek angkot dibilang enak yaah ga mungkin, tp dibilang ga enak-ga enak bgt juga engga... Maybe it's in Indonesia only where u can stop the bus anywhere u want... it's quite convenient though..the bad thing is, the driver also can put u anywhere he wants! damn driver i know... pernah g diturunin di kota pas lg ujan gede...he doesn't have any heart!! Another problems comes from...
1.Singers (baca: pengamen), tipikal pengamen itu juga macem2.. mulai dr yg seniman abis, suaranya bagus trus nyanyinya lama, just like a pro! kalo yg kyk gini ngasih ceceng pun rasanya ga sayang, ada juga yg ngamen sambil bawa anak istri, trus anak istrinya nyanyi bareng..(anak kecilnya satu, trus istrinnya ngegendonk bayi lagi satu) trus vocal grup gt d.., ada yg modal nekat cm sekedar bawa gitar trus nyanyi tereak2 di dalem bus, ada yg nge-punk abis (ini jg nyanyinya tereak2), and the worst is.... there's one...kakek2, dia naek pas angkot lagi ngetem di kota tua.. dia nyanyi sambil bawa harmonika.. at first i was impressed, udah tua tp bs maen harmonika sambil nyanyi... but then.. i'm even more surprised! beliau cm nyanyi dua kalimat trus minta duit.. awalnya krn kasian yaah g kasih... tp lama2 stlh tiap hr ktemu, g liat dia turun dr angkot trus ngerokok..GEEZ!! buat makan aj susah, masih aj ngerokok.. mending tuh duit dipake buat bli makanan...(i dont mean to talk bad, tp kan pd kenyataanny emank bgitu..) i decided not to give him money anymore...

2. Another problem comes from the Passenger themselves... kadang.. bukan kadang tp SERING! ketika lagi crowded2nya itu angkot, ada yg ngerokok sampe ngebul bikin angkot tambah sesek aj...(kasarnya, mau mati koq ngajak2 org... kasian donk sm org2 yg ga ngerokok kyk saya ini!) also, spit anywhere they want.. (i dont have to talk about littering lah yah... it's part of our culture)... Like this morning... there's mba2 who spitting all d time.. perhaps she got sore throat or something... bntr2 dia ngeludah, tp ngeludahnya dibuang keluar angkot.. (asik banget kalo ada motor lwt trus kena -  drama deh!) hahhaha.. talking about hygiene, just give it up when you're on angkot...

3. Be full aware of THIEF and THUGS.. they're lurking everywhere...dan kadang mereka kerjasama sm kenek or supir angkot itu sndiri (i'm not sure about this though)..that's why g lbh prefer naek angkot pas pagi, pas org2 pd brkt kerja karena rame.. kalo ud siang, i'd prefer taking busway..=D
Speaking of thief, hape g pernah kecopetan skali pas lg bulan puasa kmrn..(mungkin pr pickpocketers lg ngejar omset buat lebaran) dan pd akhirnya hp g jd korban..(itu hp kesayangan yg g bli pake 1st salary, putih, kecil, suaranya bagus, pas di tangan...AKHH!!!) tp in the end, i got my bb that i'm using now.. it is also white =).. i love white..
Kadang suka heran, ada aj yah org bbman di angkot.. asik bgt lagi sampe lupa kalo dia di angkot.. kalo g mah bb g taro dalem tas, tas nya g pegangin terus....dont want to loose something that haven't even
paid full (blom lunas,, hahahaha)

yaahh itu lah suka (duka) nya naek angkot...hahahaha
btw it's FRIDAY!! yeahh!! can't wait for tmrw =D
have u guys take a lunch..?

Hi Everyone!!

Ehm.. Hi guys.. Welcome to my blog..well this is not the 1st one though..i lost the old one...(lupa-gara2 ga pernah diupdate lagi.. hahhahah)

My name is Rendy (actually i dont think i have to re-introduce myself, since i'm sure people who will read my blog is my friends - but a little bit introcuction wont kill right?=P)
Like i said before, i had blog once (kalo ga salah namanya Twisted Realm), i was inspired and encouraged by two of my hao2 (baca: temen bae/bff) to make one... the 1st one is my childhood friend, Mr. Diamond Skin and another one is my beloved sis Pinkple Yui (wkt itu dua2 lg belajar di negri orang) - can't believe time flows so fast..

About me... B.A.W.E.L (most people said, but the truth is.... am i?)
I'm tiny but eat a lot, about hobbies? I like playing games (mostly JRPGs themed game), i like watching movies, listening to the music, and of course sleeping!! nyahahahaha~ "How about drawing ren?! u used to like it" Well.. Drawing is not a hobby anymore for me, it's my life, since it is what i'm doing for living...bukannya sombong, but sadly that's the only thing i'm good at...(i mean i'm good, but not THAT good! - Jill Valentine)

About my life, l have an ordinary life, just like the others... i have family complete with two awesome little sisters (one is fierce, the other is brute) hahahah bcanda, of course both of them are beautiful...=D

I have few best friends and they're part of my life (dunno how to live w/o u guys...=D)
the 1st one is Mr. Diamond Skin above.. no he's not Edward. C, Diamond Skin is inspired by Emma Frost.. (i don't think he wants me to use his real name, but if u change your mind, just tell me bro =P) he's been my friend since we were in kindegarten, well he's not just a friend, he's bro to me =D, mulai dr suka maen robot2an, maen Power Ranger ato Street of Rage di SEGA pake Blaze and Sammy, we made a good pair!, trus Parasite Eve,Tenchu2an sampe skrg yg suka ngetawain Halley Berry bareng2.. hhaahhahahahaha!!!

There's also Miss Pinkple Yui aka Novy.. right now, she keep asking me, what's my new blog address.. since she's the 1st person i told about this new blog.. and Oh! we have group (kalo bahasa preman nya itu GANK) consist with another wonderful friends.. They're Toge, Chan2, Eva, Zul, Ita, Momon, also Mega =D yukk!! sabtu bsk kita hang out di rmh Novy  guys =D hahhahaha

My life can't be complete without Marcova Ferdior and Priscilla Alexandra (hopefully i type your name right mum ^^;) both of them are just like family to me...we used to hang out together every saturday (maksudnya g jd nyamuk, tp gpp deh.. hahahhaha) entah pgi ntn, pgi makan, ato sekedar tdr di kamar marco seharian..-_-"

There's also abang Andy Wijaya, temen "maen gila" g... maksudnya kalo lg hang out, pasti bisa ikutan gila kyk dia... btul kan 'blay? hahhahahaha =P sorry bro, can't describe u more... i know you're clever enough to get what i mean..and we both know that!

And i have another family.. great people, with amazing talents in my college.. oh~ keluarga cemara...
There's Ery (Mommy of us all - she take care of me...a lot! both with Anggun - apalagi kalo lagi DEADLINE!)

Anggun (How to describe her...? She's SICK!! not the real sick, i mean her artwork, i never met someone as dedicated as herself when it comes to create a damn great artwork!!)

Abang Dez and Ntep (pasangan unik di grup kita.. dua2nya gendut.. lho?! koq...? iyah, yg satu perutnya, yg satu giginya =P hahahahahhaha)

There's also Darwin Tandiono aka Mr. M0ngki yg paling ga bs diem, too bad he's not with us anymore..tp kita masih contact2an koq.. denger2 skrg dia jd JURAGAN KOLOR lohhh!

There's PUR, actually she's not my college's friend, she's my old friend from elementary...yeah, she's old..she's the one who poisoned me with games, she likes money (everybody does!) but she hates cucumber (ga nyambung emank, tp dia benci bgt sm timun.. dia bs cium bau timun dr jarak 10 meter! Amazing right!)

Also there's Mr. Gendy (the most stylish of us all) komplit dengan tompel dan kata "Ma ai aaa?" (logat khun tian, tiap kali dipanggil namanya).

Another great people in my life is Ci Stef and Ci Delice, my bosses.. sblmnya g ga pernah ktemu boss yg supel, gaul, and easy goin as they are.. I'm glad to be part of the magz team =D alongside with Potty (our pho2), Lia yg bawel (dia juga punya blog lohh), trus ada Pur sm Ntep juga =D

All of them have great impact in my life, They helped me to be what i am today and i'm so grateful to have all of 'em ^^
Life's a Bitch, but it doesn't matter if u have friends - at least i thought so.. =P

About this blog, well i think i'm goin to write anything that i'd like to write.. from lifes, hobbies, my experience, my fantasies, dr yg agak serius sampe yg ga penting2 amat..anything lah pokoknya... hopefully i have enough spare time to fill this blog..=)

Mai God! udah jm 12 mlm..
See u guys latter =D