Okay.. not literally though.. i've been posioned by figures!!
Last year i was tempted with this seductive figure (mnrt g sndiri sih.. hahhahaha)
figma KOS-MOS from XENOSAGA III Also Sprach Zarathustra
Pertama kali lihat ini.. The only thing that crossed my mind is i MUST HAVE this one.. pokoknya harus harus harus!! hahhahahaha =D
It cost me a lot though.. a few of my friends already complaining.. "buat apa sih?!, sayang kali..., or buset mahal gila!" my respond: "Yaah... trus gimana donk..?" Buat yg udah pernah maen gamenya (Xenosaga series) pasti tau betapa kerennya KOS-MOS aplg yg ke-III (FYI: i cried when i saw the ending... it was bitter sweet and this is the 1st and only game that made me cry while playing it..*malu* hahahhahaa)
look at those details......... i AM falling in lurve!!
The 2nd poison is....... THIS!!!
Yo Ho~ Jack Sparrow!!
I'm fan of Jack Sparrow!! hahahahha
When i looked at this figure, the same thing crossed my mind once again.. i MUST HAVE this one too!!
it cost less expensive than KOS-MOS but still it'll sucked me dry.. fortunately there's two months ahead until it'll released.. so i still have time for saving...
Just look at his face!! It's really him!!!
too bad he has serious face..(kalo lg nyengir makin bagus kali yah)
Both of 'em manufactured in Japan.. Speaking of Japan, i'm sure all of u already know that massive earthquake and tsunami has stroke the country down... Let's pray for the victims.. mudah2an mereka dikasih kekuatan buat ngelewatin masa2 susah ini... (kmrn ini abis liat streaming tsunaminya di youtube...serem banget)
Oh iya, today, i hit my finger nail accidentally.. it's freaking hurts....(sempet nyelangap dikit, untung ga sampe copot.. but still.. it's hurts!!)
Gotta back to my work.. see u later guys ^^v